Parrot Digigraphic, Ltd.<br> 3 Putter Way<br> Lakeville, MA 02347<br> Phone: 978.670.7766<br> Toll Free: 877.727.7682<br> Fax: 978.670.7744<br> :: Parrot Digigraphic, Ltd.
  (877) 727-7682
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Parrot Digigraphic, Ltd.
3 Putter Way
Lakeville, MA 02347
Phone: 978.670.7766
Toll Free: 877.727.7682
Fax: 978.670.7744

  Privacy statement
Your privacy is of great concern to Parrot Digigraphic. We use the information you provide to process your order and to ensure that your experience on our site is as enjoyable and efficient as possible. Our primary focus and greatest concern is you, our customer. We respect your privacy and therefore do not sell, rent or loan any of your personal information to any third party. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information that we collect about you to process your orders and to provide a personalized shopping environment. When you purchase products from or register for any of our services, we automatically place you on our list to receive e-mail updates about special offers, new products, and new services. If you do not wish to receive e-mail updates, please follow the unsubscribe link within the email.

The Information we gather and how we use it
Our system automatically gathers information about the areas you visit on our Internet store. We do not use any of the navigational data that you— as an individual— provide while browsing or shopping on the Internet, nor do we share this data with anyone outside our company. We do use navigational information in the aggregate to understand how our visitors shop in our store so we can make our website a better browsing experience. Our site also uses "cookies" so you can keep track of the items you have placed in your shipping cart. Each time you return to our Internet store our shipping cart will be just as you left it. We may also use and store information you give us (e.g, your shipping or billing address) so you do not have to reenter it each time you visit. In order to fulfill your order and provide you with the highest level of customer service, we must ask you for personal information. Parrot Digigraphic collects your name, shipping and billing addresses, telephone number, e-mail address and credit card information in order to deliver your order promptly and to the correct address. We use your e-mail address to send you a confirmation of your order. We will also send an e-mail when your package is shipped and include the shipper's tracking number. Registration provides advantages like faster check out; ability to store shipping addresses; advance notification on upcoming promotions; and exclusive invitations to private promotions. By registering, you can also update your personal information through your account. We do not disclose, share, sell, or trade any personal or individual information that it collects to third parties, other than in the course of completing a transaction, providing you with information that you have requested, or in response to an investigation involving legal matters.

Cookies reserves the right to use a feature of your Internet Web browser called a "cookie" to assign a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are files that your Web browser places on you computer's hard drive. creates and then uses these cookie files to track your clicks as you go through our site. Web site Cookies enable us to provide features that simplify your shopping experience, such as storing items in your shopping cart between visits, saving and retrieving passwords, and recalling information on past purchases and other preferences. This will save you from having to re-enter this information upon every visit to our Website. Most Web browsers are generally configurable to prevent that.

By utilizing this Website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by

Changes to the Privacy Policy
If the Privacy Policy of Parrot Digigraphic is changed in any way, we will post the changes on this page for your reference immediately, and every attempt will be made to send written correspondence to all registered users.

Safety and Privacy of Minors
Neither Parrot Digigraphic nor target children, nor do we intend or expect to attract children to this or any other site. Because of this, our privacy measures have not been specifically developed for their protection on the Internet. We do ask that minors do not submit information to our site without the express consent and participation of a parent or legal guardian.

Occasionally, this site may contain links to other sites. Parrot Digigraphic is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites. We suggest you check the privacy statement on each site that you visit.

Contacting the Website
We always welcome your questions, comments and concerns about our Privacy Policy. Please send an e-mail to  


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